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Research, Great Blogs and More!


Dog Spies (Julie Hecht & Mia Cobb)

Your Pitbull and You

Dog Star Daily - great website with information from lots of professional, experienced dog training professionals

The Art and Science of Animal Behavior (Dr. Sophia Yin)

Human Animal Interaction

The Pet Professional Guild

Paws Abilities (Sara Reusche)

4Paws University (Lisa Mullinax)

Karen Pryor Clicker Training  - great website with information from lots of professional, experienced dog training professionals

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior  - learn about behavior professionals and search for veterinary behaviorists

Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, Inc. - search for certified dog trainers and behavior consultants

The Other End of the Leash (Patricia McConnell)



Shelter-based Research

A novel, empirical test of Black Dog Syndrome (Svoboda, H. & Hoffman, C. - from Canisius College Anthrozoology Program!) 

The effects of social training and other factors on adoption success of shelter dogs

Reliability, validity and feasibility of existing tests of canine behaviour

Breeding dogs for beauty and behaviour: Why scientists need to do more to develop valid and reliable behaviour assessments for dogs kept as companions

Cat Culture, Human Culture: An Ethnographic Study of a Cat Shelter

A survey of the methods used in shelter and rescue programs to identify feral and frightened pet cats

Is That Dog a Pit Bull? A Cross-Country Comparison of Perceptions of Shelter Workers Regarding Breed Identification


Marine Mammals

Cultural transmission of tool use in bottlenose dolphins 



Society for the Promotion of Applied Research in Canine Science 

Duke Canine Cognition Center

University of Florida Canine Cognition and Behavior Lab

Canine Cognition Center at Yale University




Anthropomorphic Double-Talk: Can Animals Be Happy But Not Unhappy? No!  by Mark Bekoff

For Modern Society, Are Animals 'The Ghosts in Our Machine'?  by Marc Bekoff



How to React When Your Dog Begins Resource Guarding Against Other Dogs (Pat Miller - Whole Dog Journal)



Cats in Context (Institute for Human Animal Relations at Canisius College)


Animals in Captivity

The Future of Zoos (Institute for Human Animal Relations at Canisius College)


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